Month: March 2022

The Pressure Of Perfection: How to Help Kids Handle Stress and Anxiety

In today’s society, children feel more pressure than ever before to be perfect. From academic expectations to social media, kids struggle to cope with the high standards that they feel they need to meet. This pressure often leads to stress and anxiety, which can have severe consequences for both the individual child and society.
Suicide rates among young people are on the rise globally. Studies show that depression is one of the leading causes of suicide among young people. Other factors include unmet needs and expectations, focus on success and productivity, lack of coping skills, and a sense of a lack of belonging.
One of the most important things you can do as a parent is to raise emotionally healthy children. This means teaching them how to regulate their emotions, set boundaries, and handle difficult situations.

Reading Challenge: 2021 (Fiction)

Here is a list of fiction books I read in 2021. There were a few misses as always, but overall, it’s a good list of books. I am also glad that the authors I read this year are from diverse cultural backgrounds—Algerian, Indian, Vietnamese, and Dutch, to list just a few. If you’re interested in diversifying your bookshelf, read my previous post on Around the World in Books.

blue plates with a millet salad set on a table with colourful runner and plants

Easy Healthy Lunch Ideas: Millet with Veggies and Cheese

Quick and easy meals are a saviour, with the Indian summer lingering over our heads. You don’t need to spend hours slaving over a stove to make a delicious and healthy meal.
Millets are nutrition dense and an excellent substitute for your regular wheat and rice grains. They are gluten-free and contain high protein, fibre, and antioxidants. These properties also make them easier to digest.
Lunches like these are light on the stomach but pack a punch in nutritional value are also great to pack for the school or office. They don’t need to be re-heated either.

Women’s Day: Demanding a diverse, equitable, and inclusive world

On March 8th every year, the world celebrates International Women’s Day. We look at the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women worldwide, past and present. It is also a call to action for accelerating women’s equality globally.
Most women reading this are privileged enough to have had an education. Many are still denied education and opportunities solely based on their gender. It is a day for raising awareness about how far we’ve come and how far we still need to go in our quest for gender equity.
A discussion plus some book recommendations for women, by women!